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23 - £3,225.65

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23 - £3,225.65

Subtotal: £3,225.65

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A SCARSE WW2 Japanese, (made on campaign sword)



A SCARSE WW2 Japanese made on campaign sword, probably a replacement for a sword lost or damaged in action. Perhaps, made for local collaborating volunteers who were formed up in regular army regiments in uniform assisting the Japanese army. Blacksmith or artisan made and fairly crude in some areas, this sword copies the SHIN GUNTO pattern of Japanese sword. The blade is approx 26.1/2 in, and cut from bar stock or scrap iron, then hammered, forged, and oil tempered. The blade has been simply shaped and polished bright. The number “273” is on the Tang probably indicative of lots being made and, further suggesting this sword was intended for non Japanese Local defence forces, these Defence Forces fobidden to carry genuine Japanese made swords. The SAYA (scabbard) is made of leather covered wood, but has a small amount of damage and wear. It is open at the mouth and the stitching has gone. There is wood missing here (needing repair?) and the ring is missing from the suspension. The TSUBA is a genuine Japanese made SHINGUNTO pattern quality pierced one, No. 12 on body, slightly twisted with War useage. The TSUKA is of a wooden base covered in a rough hessian type cloth (probably fishskin. This then wrapped in leather with diaond shaped cutouts to simulate ITO wrap. There is no MENUKI and with a crude cast brass FUCHI/ KABUTO GANE, with a MON type round badge , attached with a crude KANJI. Although I have had a few of these over time, this is the first with a MON? this has been translated as “RISING SUN” and, is pssibly the patriotic MON badge of a compay/ unit?

It is illegal to sell edged weapons to anyone who is or appears to be under the age of 18 in the UK and we so we will need irrefutable proof of the purchasers age with payment via cash (insured postage please), cheque, postal order or money order, Credit/Debit Card: Delta, Electron, JCB, Maestro, Mastercard, chip and Pin, Solo, UK Maestro or VISA.

We cannot accept Paypal payments for edged weapon stock.

Please call 01538 702738 to arrange payment and collection.

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 150 × 8 × 8 cm


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