
A .45 boxlock, screw-off flintlock travelling pistol by Ketland & Co, circa 1790. Overall length approx 7.1/2 in., round steel barrel approx. 2.1/2 in.  Barrel to a pleasing grey/ brown patina with a f...
Scarce Watussi Chiefs sickle bladed weapon.  Overall length 33ins, sickle blade length 6.1/2ins.  Square shaped shaft and sickle blade to dark brown/ grey patina.  Forged iron blade with age pitting and  a slight ding to the in...
A 6-shot approx. .400 self cocking bar hammer transitional percussion revolver, 12.1/2 in. overall, barrel 6 in., Birmingham proofs, but unfortunately no makers name.  2-piece chequered wooden grips, foliate...
A most unusual antique quiver of eleven arrows believed to eminate from Borneo.  Overall quiver length 35.1/4ins, average arrow length 30.1/2ns.  The eleven arrows are of wooden two-part construction, with the pointed arrow-head of ...
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