Edged Weapons

1887 dated .577/.450 Martini Henry rifle MkIV with yaghatan bayonet. 48.1/2in., barrel 32.1/2in; lock marked with Victorian crown surmounting VR Enfield 1887. Steel barrel, cleaning rod, barrel bands, action, lever and butt plate to a pleasing gre...
1908 Pattern British Cavalry Troopers Sword, in it’s original steel scabbard. Overall length approx. 43.1/2 ins., blade length approx 35.1/4 in. Single edged straight steel blade with double fullers. Blade to a shiny silver finish with a few...
American M1 Garrand bayonet in scabbard. Overall length 15.3/4 in, blade length approx 10 in. Single edged, double fullered blade to a dull grey/ black finish with old rust darker grey marks in places. The cross guard and pommel to a dark grey/ br...
This was the last of the French sword-type of bayonet and was manufactured to fit the French 1874 Gras infantry rifle between 1874 and about 1885. It was manufactured to fit the French Model 1874 Gras Infantry Rifle, basically a refinement of the ...
African Tribal Knife In Leather Scabbard. Overall length 13.1/2 in, blade length 9.1/2. The double edged steel blade to a shiny steel finish with “old” black marks in places. The blade crudely cut and shaped from a piece of steel wi...
WW1 US 1913 dated Remington in British leather scabbard. Overall length 22.1/2 in., blade length 17 in. Blade stamped "12 15 Remington" on one side ...
A SCARSE WW2 Japanese made on campaign sword, probably a replacement for a sword lost or damaged in action. Perhaps, made for local collaborating volunteers who were formed up in regular army regiments in uniform assisting the Japanese army. Bla...
German 1916 Eratz all steel bayonet in scabbard.  Ov...
Antique Moroccan Jambiya Islamic dagger Koummya 19thc.  Overall length 15.1/2in., blade length approx 8.1/2in.  Double edged ...
Scarce Watussi Chiefs sickle bladed weapon.  Overall length 33ins, sickle blade length 6.1/2ins.  Square shaped shaft and sickle blade to dark brown/ grey patina.  Forged iron blade with age pitting and  a slight ding to the in...